
发布时间:2020/06/02 点击数:


       每個人都有自己喜歡的生活方式, Diego 和 Anna很幸運,因為他們有著共同喜歡的生活方式。編者認為,這種生活方式給他們帶來的最大好處就是:“擁有整個世界”不再是一句空談。諾大的世界就是他們的家,他們遊歷八方的經歷所產生的各種感受、世界觀、人生理念或許是顛覆性的,且極具震撼力。澳門導報希望把他們的經歷分享給廣大讀者。(瀏覽連載請關注網站www.am-zm.com 學術與觀察/百家專欄 )

原創:Diego and Anna 

作者:安娜•卡倫娜 Anna Caranta     





       Let's try to understand the impact of our actions on the planet, let's try to see what is behind each product we buy: where do they come from? How were they made? At what human and ecological cost? And then, when we throw them away, where will they go? We are the actors of the present, our children are the actors of the future. Transmitting love to the Earth and respect for it is a gift in parenting. I have spent hours walking in nature with my son and daughter, we have spent hours watching animals, or growing seeds: those are shared moments that unite and open doors to a new communication. That transmission is a gift for your relationship with yourchildren, for them when they grow up, and for our planet. To give children a better world today is to make them aware as soon as possible, and show them with our example what we can do to live in harmony with each other and with the nature that is our home to all.


      Many times fathers and mothers show me as a fatality the system they are in: they have to send the children to school, they have no other choice. There is, in China and everywhere, many schools, academies, institutions that are looking for a modern and happier way of schooling. Anyway, if we cannot reach these schools, we have to understand that if the child goes to a traditional school, that is not why all our educational ideas end there. When you return from school, support him by telling him that nothing is wrong. Do not offer at home the pressure they suffer in the Institution. Celebrate their achievements and relativize their failures. Hug your child. You can offer them, at home, an oasis, a place to rest from the outside pressure, a place where they can play, and express them selves freely, where they feel support and trust, and where there is dialogue and sharing.After all, it's just about love.










