
发布时间:2020/05/29 点击数:


     每個人都有自己喜歡的生活方式, Diego 和 Anna很幸運,因為他們有著共同喜歡的生活方式。編者認為,這種生活方式給他們帶來的最大好處就是:“擁有整個世界”不再是一句空談。諾大的世界就是他們的家,他們遊歷八方的經歷所產生的各種感受、世界觀、人生理念或許是顛覆性的,且極具震撼力。澳門導報希望把他們的經歷分享給廣大讀者。(瀏覽連載請關注網站www.am-zm.com 學術與觀察/百家專欄 )

原創:Diego and Anna 

作者:安娜•卡倫娜 Anna Caranta     








       We complain many times about the world we live in. Many feel trapped in machinery that nobody can stop. Many suffer the loneliness and competitiveness that surrounds them. Many feel the emptiness that a life might offer them in which the main objective is to have more to consume more. That is why we have to be able to transmit to children that simple truth: if you are not happy with little, you will not be happy with much.Stop merging in their minds consumption = happiness. That is to push them to always want more, and never get closer to their essence to feel truly filled. The system we live in is competitive and that is why it teaches children to be competitive. Let us try with simple gestures with our actions, with our words, to share to our sons and daughters that there is something more important than winning: and it is the attitude one has to reach personal goals. Remind them that it is much better to stop along the way to help a friend and reach the finish line together, than to leave the friend in the floor or push him to fall and reach the goal alone. Solidarity is a basis for happiness. Empathy is a concept that children would have to learn from very young: put themselves in the feet of the other, do that exercise that may seem difficult but that is, with a little practice, quite simple. Being empathetic allows us to be better humans, better friends, better colleagues, better husbands and wife, better fathers and mothers. Tolerance and respect for difference are qualities that we have to stimulate in our sons/daughters.


Balance and harmony, are impalpable, but fundamental values. Not only within the community and personal relationships. But also with our ecological environment. Day by day, the human realizes that the planet on which we live will not be able to sustain us much more time: the ecological and human crisis we are going through concern all of us, no matter how much money we have in the bank account. If the air becomes irrespirable, if the planet becomes a great desert, if the food we cook every day causes serious illness because it is too toxic, that concerns to all. As I said at the beginning, in order to educate children we must educate ourselves. It is difficult work sometimes, but very valuable.







